Ken Cuccinelli Speaks About Public Transportation

There are only two weeks left in the Virginia governor’s race and Republican nominee Ken Cuccinelli has presented the state with his plan for public transportation. He would like to give the county and local governments most of the control over what happens to their roads, instead of leaving it in the hands of the state. With the Clintons’ recent endorsement of Democrat Terry McAuliffe, it’s no surprise that he is trying to get a final push in the race.

Like almost every other issue that has been brought up during this election year, the two candidates have vastly different opinions on what to do with the transportation system. While Cuccinelli wants to give control to the local governments, McAuliffe would like to keep Richmond as the fundamental role and hold the state responsible for secondary roads.

Cuccinelli wants local governments to be the one’s assigning projects and figuring out what is priority for their county. Congestion and road capacity are two major problems that come with secondary roads and he would like the locals to decide how to deal with them. VDOT’s responsibilities would go down and the counties would start to take over.

Bob Chase, president of the Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance, was quoted in an article published by The Washington Post as saying, “If there’s not a lot of secondary-road money available, there’s not a lot of incentive for local buy-in. Devolving secondary-road decision-making doesn’t guarantee money will be well spent. All politics are local. The fact that some local residents are pleased with some projects that help them does not mean money is well spent.

Will Cuccinelli be spending the state’s money wisely if he wins and goes through with this plan? With two weeks left, is this going to be enough of a final push for him to win?

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